Friday, May 22, 2015

See you later Vegas

Our first night in Vegas was a success our second night not so much..... either way the experience was completely fun and the company was great. Theres a reason why everyone goes wild in vegas but I dont think I was prepared for so much. What can I say im just suchhhhh a good girl! lol! I dont think you could ever be prepared for im off to sleep because I honestly am so  out of it...who am I?? Such a busy little week and time regain strength for tomorrow and its festivities.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Trust me you're not crazy, unless a doctor told you otherwise.....

Do you ever feel like a plastic bag....oh wait no thats not from me. You know when you have one of those days that you just wish you could slip away quietly without no one knowing or getting hurt? Today was one of those days. I've spent possibly my whole life trying to behave, be honest, sit up straight, be polite and I like those rules they work well with me. But have you had people who are suppose to support you make you feel so inferior, make you feel like you're crazy, then you start doubting yourself and creating things in your head and honestly blaming yourself? Hmmm anyways this isn't suppose to be a sad post....

Saturday, March 21, 2015

My breast can always sense when its about to rain

Well it is raining a bit gloomy but it's saturday nonetheless. So as I get ready for today and its fun filled adventures (I mean I wont be throwing myself off a plane but dinner is equally great) I must write down my dream because I feel it has to be shared. So yesterday night before I dozed off I watched Magic Mike for the first time (better late than never) and then I fell asleep and the dream begins....So as im driving down a road with a cellphone to my ear and pass a cop which F.Y.I. here in Texas having a cellphone while driving is now against the law, I realize the cop sees me and well of course I get stopped. My cop turned out to be a well representation of 'Magic Mike' dear lord help....long story short he asks me on a date, we go, he starts dancing out of nowhere and why did I wake up all sweaty again?! hmm anyways... how is your day so far??


Thursday, March 19, 2015

Let me introduce myself....Again.

Its been too long! Its like writing in a diary.... unfortunately I could never make it a daily thing. Lets make a pact (im talking out loud to myself) that we (by 'we' I mean me and me) will keep this up daily, but if I happen to skip a few days or years and all of a sudden its the year 2025 and im 30 years old living with 10 cats, dont fret; You're still awesome. So because we might not know each other....unless you're that weird guy at school who always stares at me....My name is Rosaciela but if thats too formal than call me Rose 

See you soon
